I have recently graduated this fall from the University of Montana with a Bachelor's in History. The college adventure was truly amazing and I already miss it. And thanks to Angel Fund Scholarships I was able to accomplish my college career. Assistance is always helpful in this day of ours. And I thank you dearly for your help.
As of now, I am working for Montana Wilderness Association and the Montana Outdoor Heritage Project canvassing on campus in support of Montana's great outdoors and increasing voter turnout. Simultaneously, I am interning for Forward Montana, which is a non-profit group that defends voter rights, fights for equality, among a list of other things. You can check out the organization at forwardmontana.org.
This summer, I am excited to announce that I am once again hired by the Bureau of Land Management as a Wilderness Ranger. I will be conducting Wilderness studies and analyzing land parcels to determine if they have Wilderness characteristics.
As a 2010 scholarship recipient, I was on the track to attend MSU Bozeman School of Architecture in the fall 2010. I have since completed the undergraduate degree in fall 2013 (3.5 yrs) through an extra study abroad session to Morocco and The Community Design Center (CDC). I am setup to begin the masters program at MSU this fall 2014. I have recently accepted an internship for this summer working for Eggart Engineering and Construction in Billings, MT. Your scholarship was an excellent opportunity for me to grow as a young woman entering college and the beginning of the professional career that I began dreaming of in sixth grade! Thank you very much!
April 1, 2014
In 2010 I was fortunate to receive a scholarship from The Angel Fund to help with my college expenses at MSU in Bozeman. I would have to say the biggest difference the scholarship made for me that year was in helping delay the necessity of my getting a job as a freshman Presidential Scholar in the Honors College taking 17 and 18 credits. The scholarship enabled me to focus on my studies, to be involved in service work, and to get used to the responsibilities of living on my own. While I started working later during school, that first year was crucial in learning study habits and adjusting to the demands of trying to maintain a 4.0 GPA while involved in other activities like Engineers Without Borders and Amnesty International. I will be graduating summa cum laude in May and was recently selected as one of forty MSU seniors to receive the Award For Excellence for those with an exemplary record of campus and community activities, involvement, and service. I am majoring in Liberal Studies with a minor in Art History and will be attending a graduate program in the future, hopefully in London or Paris, to study the business of art. My goal is to eventually own a contemporary art gallery. I would like to thank The Angel Fund, and Marcia Wall in particular, for the generous contribution you made to my education. The responsibility that comes with knowing others have invested in your future is not taken lightly.
The photo I have attached was taken during the month I spent in Kenya with MSU's Engineers Without Borders helping with water projects.
June 20, 2014
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Angel Fund one last time for the scholarship help you provided me during my college studies. I recently graduated summa cum laude from the Honors College at MSU and was named an outstanding senior in the Liberal Studies Department. I was also recognized this spring with an Award of Excellence, given to the top 1% of seniors at MSU. I tell you this not to brag, but to let you know that your financial help has allowed me the opportunity to excel at my academic studies, as well as to be involved in campus and community volunteer activities. I graduated with a major in Liberal Studies and a minor in Art History and am currently working at a gallery in Bozeman. I am making plans for graduate studies in another year and am working to save towards that goal. Thank you again for your support, your encouragement, and for believing in me.
I finished my freshman year in Bozeman and made it another semester and decided the big university wasn't for me, so I moved home to Helena and now I have finished a year at the Helena College. I got accepted into the nursing program at Helena College this semester, so this is my first semester as a nursing student!!! I graduate with my AAS as an LPN in December!!! I am planning on continuing my education and getting my RN at the tech and will hopefully be done by next December! I am so lucky to have an experience such as this and so grateful for the scholarship to help pay for my dream! Thank you!
My name is Madeline Scherting and I was a 2013 Angel Fund Scholarship recipient. I graduated from Helena High School in 2013 and began my college career at Helena College. I graduated in three semesters with a AS in the Social and Psychological Sciences and a 4.0. After graduation, I attended MSU-N and graduated with a 3.95 in Elementary Education with a K-12 Reading minor. I currently live and work in south-central Tacoma as a 4th grade teacher at Central Avenue Elementary School. I am starting my master's degree this May and will work to earn a M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership and Trauma Informed Practices. Thanks to the generosity of this scholarship fund, there was less of a financial barrier for me in attending college. I was able to graduate with my undergraduate degree with no student loans and am now able to start a graduate program without doubling my debt. I am immensely grateful for the opportunities that this scholarship provided for me in 2013 and the subsequent benefits that it has afforded me today. Thank you!
I was lucky enough to receive the Angel Fund Scholarship in 2014, and that really kickstarted my future. After spending some time exploring career options at Montana State University-Bozeman, I settled into a writing major with a minor in psychology, earning my Bachelor of Arts in Spring 2018. In my time at MSU, I developed a passion for writing center work as an undergraduate peer tutor at the MSU Writing Center where I also researched tutoring spaces, our offerings to graduate students, and our online tutoring resources.
In fall 2018, I moved to Bellingham, Washington to pursue a Master of Arts in English. In this time, I’ve taught first-year writing at Western Washington University, worked on curriculum design for online writing classrooms, and researched compassion practices in the writing classroom through particular hospitality models. During the summer of 2019, I was published in an emerging writing center journal titled The Peer Review where I explore theoretical models for welcoming students into online writing sessions.
I will be graduating again in Spring 2020 and would have never imagined being here as a first-generation college student without the help of the Angel Fund Scholarship.
I was fortunate enough to be a recipient of the Angel Fund Scholarship in 2014. With the help of this scholarship, I was able to attend a semester of school at Montana State University in Bozeman. I later transferred to the University of Montana and earned a Bachelor's of Social Work with a minor in gerontology in May of 2018. Currently, I am serving in an AmeriCorps Program at Montana Legal Services Association - a private, non-profit law firm that provides free legal services to low-income Montanans. After my second year of service, I plan to attend a master's program that emphasizes geriatric social work. I found my passion for working with older adults while studying at the University of Montana.
Like many college graduates today in the United States, I graduated with a fairly substantial amount of student loan debt. The Angel Fund Scholarship helped reduce my debt, which in turn has allowed me to focus more on my career goals. I am sincerely grateful to have been a scholarship recipient. Thank you for making attending higher education a more attainable goal for students in Helena.
February 15, 2020
I'm in my final semester at the University of Montana and plan on graduating with a degree in biochemistry and microbiology. My school end goal has shifted slightly. I'm not pursuing medical school at this time, but I've applied to multiple graduate schools in programs such as biochemistry, molecular medicine, and biomedical engineering. I recently came home from an interview for the PEMM program at Dartmouth in New Hampshire which was a ton of fun! … I've recently had my abstract accepted by the national conference for undergraduate research which is hosted in Bozeman this year... I'll be presenting it some time between March 26-28.
November 23, 2022
I just passed my qualifying exams and working in a research lab with proteins and cancer research at Dartmouth. Only 3 years left before I become Dr. Pepper!
My name is Courtney Radke, in 2017 I was chosen to be a recipient of the Angel Fund Scholarship. This scholarship helped me to attend Helena College and pursue my dream of becoming a registered nurse. Because of Angel Fund, I was able to receive my initial degree with minimal debt which helped me to continue my education. Shortly after I began my career as an RN, I continued to further my education at MT Tech and eventually Capella University where I received my MSN. Since then, I have worked as an RN at our local hospital and a pediatric office. Currently, I am a nursing professor at Helena College. As a Helena native, I enjoy giving back to our community by providing nursing care to our ill populations and teaching the future of nursing. Soon, I will graduate with my DNP with a specialty in Educational Leadership. Thank you to Angel Fund for this scholarship, making my college experience more successful, and helping me to achieve my dreams!
I graduated from Montana State in May with my bachelors in nursing and I am currently working as a surgical nurse at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.
After graduating from high school and receiving the Angel Fund
Scholarship, I embarked on my college journey in the fall of 2019 at
Missoula Community College. There, I completed my general education
requirements with the intention of transferring to the University of
Montana to complete my degree. As I finished my coursework, the
COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing, and I decided to take a break
from school to let the situation settle and to allow in-person classes
to resume. This time away from academics also gave me the opportunity
to reflect on my future path and reassess my goals.
I returned to the University of Montana in the fall of 2022 as a
Business Finance major. It was during this time that I discovered data
analytics, which sparked a new interest and led me to pursue a
certification in Big Data Analytics. My coursework continued to
include a mix of Finance, Accounting, and Management Information
Systems, and I added several more certifications to my academic
In the fall of 2023, I expanded my studies to include an undergraduate
degree in Accounting, and in the spring of 2024, I completed my
Bachelor's degree in Finance. This past summer, I was fortunate enough
to accept an internship at Farmers State Bank, where I received a
full-time offer as a credit analyst specializing in loan underwriting.
Currently, I’m in my final semester of my undergraduate studies,
working toward my degree in Accounting, with plans to pursue a
Master's in Accounting starting in the summer of 2025. Additionally,
I’m interning at Wipfli as a tax intern, where I prepare tax returns
and related documents for local clients.
By the time I graduate this spring with my degrees in Finance and
Accounting, as well as certifications in Big Data Analytics,
Cybersecurity, and Information and Control Assurances, I will be well
on my way to continuing my education and entering the workforce. After
completing my graduate studies, I plan to pursue my CPA and begin my
career in public accounting.
I hope this update provides the Angel Fund with a comprehensive
overview of my academic and professional journey. Thank you again for
your generous support.
I am so thankful for the Angel fund scholarship which supported my time at Montana State University! Throughout college, I was very involved with the Honors College, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Women in Computing, and Adventures MSU, where I mentored incoming freshmen. I am most proud of completing a rigorous cybersecurity research program, resulting in getting published at an international conference! I graduated in the spring of 2023 with a degree in Computer Science, minor in mathematics, and honors college distinction. Since graduation, I have worked as an in-house graphic designer in Bozeman, MT and now run my own freelancing web design business in Salt Lake City.
I was able to graduate from Montana Technological University with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree in December of 2022. During my time at Montana Tech, I was able to form lifelong friends and experience the highly acclaimed nursing program. After graduating, I passed my NCLEX and got a job right outside of Portland, Oregon. This position is an Acute Care Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Nurse, where I have stayed for nearly two years now. This job has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined. I work with children/adolescents who are in a mental health crisis, whether that be an adolescent who comes to the unit for stabilization after a suicide attempt, someone in the midst of psychosis, mania, or catatonia, or a child presenting with challenging behaviors after experiencing trauma that will affect them for the rest of their lives. I have cried, laughed, and learned so much from working with my amazing team and the children. This job has helped me learn how to just sit silently while a child shares their stories, make someone feel validated when they have experienced such disbelief from those around them about their mental health, and to appreciate all of the things I have to be thankful for in my life. On this note, I have decided that being close to family is really important to me, so I plan to move back to Montana this spring and continue working as a psychiatric nurse. Initially I was not planning on working in psych, it just so happened to work out for my first job, and I am forever thankful for that.
First, thank you so much for awarding me that scholarship at the time! I was able to apply for other scholarships and came out of college debt free! I now work in Missoula, MT as an ICU nurse!
I’m currently working at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota as a nurse in the Emergency Department. My experience at Carroll College prepared me very well for my career in nursing, and I couldn’t have done it without the support of scholarships. Thank you Angel Fund for your support!
I received an Angel Fund Scholarship during my senior year of high school in 2019. Since then, I have earned two college degrees and have one more in progress. After high school, I attended Culinary School at the Big Sky Culinary Institute to earn an Associates degree. Then I transferred to Montana State University to earn a Bachelors in Family and Consumer Sciences Education. I graduated from MSU last spring of 2024, and have started teaching Family and Consumer Sciences in my hometown (Helena). Further, I am currently working on my first year of a Masters program in Family and Consumer Sciences through Montana State University. The Angel Fund Scholarship I received truly brought so many academic opportunities in my direction as I was able to achieve and am still working toward all of my academic and career goals. As a current teacher, I encourage my students to apply for Angel Fund scholarships and am able to share my experience with them too. Thank you!
I completed my B.S. Animal Science at Montana State University in 3 years. While there, I joined Sigma Alpha, an agricultural sorority, and the Pre-Veterinary Club where I was elected to serve as the WIMU representative. I worked part time as a machinist at a local shop throughout undergrad, making gun, wheelchair, scope, oil pump parts, etc. and many others.
I was accepted into Washington State University's WIMU Veterinary Program in 2022, in which Montana works in cooperation with WSU to provide in-state tuition to 10 Montana students and the first year of veterinary school at Montana State University. At WSU, I am active in the American Veterinary Medical Association, Ag Animal Club, Theriogenology Club, and American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP). I served as the Vice President for the AAEP this last year.
Overall, things have been going great and I have been living my life long dream to become a veterinarian! Once graduated in May 2026, I plan to return to my hometown of Helena, MT as a large animal veterinarian.
Thank you again for the foundation's generous donation and support of my future! It truly means a lot and has helped me get where I am today.
My college experience was great! I started out in Bozeman for my prerequisites and finished my nursing program through MSU just in Missoula! I am currently a nurse on the neurosurgery and orthopedics floor at Providence St. Patrick’s hospital! I love my job and have also started to precept new nurses as well! I am also starting the process of applying for graduate school to become a Nurse Practitioner!
When I received the Angel Fund Scholarship I was working towards an associates degree at Helena college. My education journey then took me to Montana State University where I just finished a bachelor's degree in 2024 in agriculture education. This year I had the opportunity to move back to Helena, my home town, and am teaching agriculture to middle school and high school students in the East Helena school district!
What a blessing it is to not have any student loans! I am so grateful to Angel Fund for helping me get through Helena College with my Associate of Arts degree.
During my second year at Helena College, I got connected with a wonderful community called Helena Chi Alpha Campus Ministries. It was there that I was able to grow in my relationship with Christ and make many lifelong friends.
In March of 2022, I got the opportunity to go on a week-long spring break mission trip to Seattle with a group of students and staff in Helena Chi Alpha. There, we worked with Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, a nonprofit organization that works primarily with those experiencing homelessness in the Seattle area. During that time, I realized the amazing impact that nonprofits can have on a community. I decided that I was going to work for a nonprofit in my own community after I graduated.
After graduating from Helena College in May of 2022 (with no student loans, of course), I applied for a position at Florence Crittenton Family Services as their Community Relations Coordinator. I was thrilled to find out that I got the job! I am so honored to serve such a vulnerable group in our community through Florence Crittenton. I would not be where I am today in my career if it wasn’t for the scholarship that I received from the Angel Fund to attend Helena College.
How to Donate
Your contribution allows The Angel Fund to continue helping children in the Helena
School District. If you need more information or would like to make a donation, please contact: Janet Riis 406-459-1889 theangelfundmt@gmail.com or Marcia K. Wall 406-439-1672 P.O. Box 7436, Helena, MT
59604 To make an online donation, please use the button provided below.
March 20, 2025
Lakeside on Hauser
Angel Fund Night